The Thoracic Region

What you will learn in this course:

Review Scar Release Tissue Technique

The Pathology of

  1. Asthma
  2. Lung transplant
  3. Open heart surgery
  4. Mastectomy
  5. Breast Reconstruction/implants
  6. Breast Reduction
  7. Chest trauma
  8. Diaphragm
  9. Upper spine

Costotransversectomy And Discectomy

Transthoracic Decompression

Video Assisted Thoracoscopy Surgery (VATS)



Bone Graft



Lymphatic patterns

Full Integration Protocol

  1. Integrated Therapeutic Stretching
  2. Body Mechanics
  3. Corrective exercises
  4. Proprioceptive Taping

Practice Development

  1. Client communications
  2. Advertising
  3. Doctor’s letters

This workshop will give you hands-on practice with different types of scar tissue and protocols. You’ll also be given instruction on how to utilize body mechanics that will support your clients and yourself in your work as a scar-tissue release therapist.

 16  or 24 Continuing Education Units (CEU)

Prerequisites:  STRAIT Method™  Foundations & Integrated Therapeutic Stretching- Upper body

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