Venue: Marjorie Brook Seminars
Venue Phone: 516-409-1240
Venue Website:
Friday Class
May 19, 2023
9:00 am - 6:00 pm -
Saturday Class
May 20, 2023
9:00 am - 6:00 pm -
Sunday Class
May 21, 2023
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Scar Tissue Release And Integrated Therapies (the S.T.R.A.I.T. Method™) was developed by Marjorie Brook, LMT.
It is the rehabilitative scar treatment everyone deserves, designed to help your client heal, restore freedom of movement, and regain quality of life.
The therapy begins with a series of fascial techniques that release and realign the restrictive tissue from the starting point (visible scar) to the endpoint (where the line of frozen fascia stops). Client/patient experiences relief from the years of pain they’ve endured by finally having their adhesions and scars addressed.
Much more than scar tissue treatment Depart from the traditional methods you’ve tried with a therapy that approaches the multi-faceted matrix of fascia three-dimensionally. After scar tissue release therapy, we will take a holistic approach to healing with stretching, strengthening, and body mechanic exercises to help your client/patient find balance.
You learn to treat every detail, from the scar’s appearance to its physiological and psychological impacts. We address each of these components throughout the scar tissue treatment process to ensure your client’s journey is customized to their physical and mental well-being needs.
The relief they’ve been waiting for each scar is different, so we begin by learning about the damaged and restricted connective tissue and the resulting compensations in the body. You learn recognize and give support tailored to the client’s mind-body interactions and unique body mechanics to achieve an integrative treatment for scar tissue designed just for them.
The S.T.R.A.I.T. Method™ incorporates every element of the healing journey, aligning the therapist’s expertise with the individual needs and goals of the client/patient.
You will improve their mobility and sensation while ensuring they are on track to regain quality of life and get back to the activities they love.
What can you do after taking a STRAIT Method Scar Release Course?
- Work with confidence on surgical and injury scar tissue.
- Refine your current practice and treat clients more effectively.
- Treat recovering Cancer (Oncology) patients & Burn survivors.
- Recognize and release adhesions/restrictions that your clients never paid attention to or considered an issue.
- Assess and design a comprehensive rehab treatment plan.
- Gain the trust and confidence of your clients with your knowledge and understanding of their journey.
- Change lives on a daily basis.
Scar Tissue Release for the Thoracic Region Seminar
Receive solid training in the physiological and anatomical effects of fascial restrictions, scar tissue and adhesions in the Thoracic Region.
What you will learn in this course:
Review Scar Release Tissue Technique
The Pathology of
Lung transplant
Open heart surgery
Breast Reconstruction/implants
Breast Reduction
Chest trauma
Upper spine
costotransversectomy and discectomy
transthoracic decompression
video assisted thoracoscopy surgery (VATS)
bone graft
Lymphatic patterns
Full Integration Protocol
Integrated Therapeutic Stretching
Body Mechanics
Corrective exercises
Proprioceptive Taping
Practice development
Client communications
Doctor’s letters
This workshop will give you hands-on practice with different types of scar tissue and protocols. You’ll also be given instruction on how to utilize body mechanics that will support your clients and yourself in your work as a scar-tissue release therapist.
The STRAIT Foundations & Integrated Therapeutic Stretching upper body are pre -reqs for this course!
Personal experience is essential to understanding the effectiveness of this technique — be prepared to give as well as receive a treatment.
May 19-21, 2023
Brook Seminars
47 Deer Lane
Wantagh NY 11793
Marjorie Brook
Early bird before April19, 2023 $695
After $750
repeating course $300
24 CEUs
Registration begins at 8:30 am on Saturday Class 9:00-6:00pm.
Sunday’s class begins at 9:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm.
Monday’s class begins at 9:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm.
Marjorie Brook is approved in the USA by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider and also meets current standards for continuing education for both the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) and the State of Florida & NY.