“The Whole Picture” Seminars


Our body, mind, heart, and spirit do not exist separate from each other.  They depend on each other in order for the individual to be healthy and whole.  A person’s emotional wellbeing has been the base from where traditional healers … the shaman, wise woman, or medicine man, would begin in order to understand the nature of the patient’s problem(s).

The body responds to the way one thinks, feels and acts.  The “mind/body connection” needs to be acknowledged before during and after any bodywork session.  When a person is stressed, anxious or upset, the body tries to communicate that something isn’t right.  For example, high blood pressure or a stomach ulcer might develop after a particularly stressful event, such as the death of a loved one.

When a person is sick or injured he/she is not the only one affected.  The spouse, parent, children, caregiver are affected by the client’s issues and he/she in reverse is affected by how they are coping. People do not always realize that moods good or bad are contagious. Paying attention to the whole family/caregiver dynamic is essential to the wellbeing of the client.

While people are seeking quality of life, joy, purpose, and connection, we have not learned how to make those a part of daily life. Our society is faced with nearly overwhelming problems of poverty, violence, racism, and selfishness.  Now add in illness, injury, disorders either to one self or a loved one.

Unexplained and unexpected emotions sometimes arise during any form of body work.  We store all of our life experiences in our soft tissue. A favorite phrase among therapists is the “Issue is the Tissue” Touch and focused attention on soft tissue can release emotions that have been otherwise hidden from conscious awareness.

“One of the most common defenses is to ignore, repress or stuff our negative emotions. They are held in the body and eventually produce physical or emotional pain,” Carolyn Mein, D.C., Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils (Vision Ware Press, 1998).

Clients book sessions because they are in physical pain or stressed.  They are usually unaware that the state that they are in has roots in a emotional issue. Once in a supportive comfortable settings these emotions can surface much to the clients surprise and confusion.

What You Will Learn in this Course:

  • How stress & trauma can alter the brain and impair social reasoning
  • To identify features of high -conflict individuals with selected personality, mood, anxiety and anger issues
  • Communication & observations skills to interact more effectively with your clients
  • Interventions to help protect and enhance you when working with toxic people.
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